Characters Are Actually Important

Until quite recently, I didn't grasp just how important characters are to a story. Sure, I had characters. They were there to move the plot along. I tried to make them interesting and relatable, but I went about it in ways that weren't successful. I didn't fully care that they weren't successful, either- as long... Continue Reading →

Living Life to Write It

I did something this year that I never in a million years imagined that I would. I joined a sorority. *Cue the gasps and cries of outrage. Ladies are fainting left and right.* It's not really a "real" sorority, it's a service sorority, but we still do some sorority-type things. Adding this gasp-worthy extracurricular activity... Continue Reading →

Professional Time-Waster

There are moments in my live when I'm struck with the frantic need to do everything. I constantly feel like I'm running out of time to live life and do what I want. In three and a half measly years, I will have to have a real job and pay rent and all of that... Continue Reading →

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